The Auburn-Lewiston Rotary Breakfast Club constantly strives to provide our members with provocative, informative and diverse programs...
If you are interested in addressing our members on your topic, please click here to email Dave Foster, chairman of our program committee, with your contact information and thoughts. Our speaker guidelines can be found below.
We meet Wednesday mornings at 7:00am and you would have approximately 20-25 minutes for your presentation.
We meet Wednesday mornings at 7:00am and you would have approximately 20-25 minutes for your presentation.
Our club meets on Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:15 AM at the United Methodist Church, 439 Park Ave, Auburn ME. Our breakfast is ready by 7:15 AM, and you will be our guest. Please plan to arrive between 7-7:15 AM. This will give you time to check out any A/V equipment which you may need and enjoy breakfast while getting acquainted with our members.
We request that your presentation not exceed 20 minutes in length, which includes about 5 minutes for Q&A. Informational brochures or leaflets may be placed on tables and we usually have 30-35 members who attend the weekly meetings. Some of our members are limited in their time allowed for breakfast, so if your presentation runs beyond 8:15, you may see some slipping out of the meeting.
A typical meeting begins at 7:15 with the Pledge of Allegiance, an Invocation, and the Rotary Four Way Test followed by breakfast. After breakfast, visitors are introduced and, if necessary, announcements may be made. By 7:45, the President turns the meeting over to the speaker coordinator, who will introduce you as the guest speaker.
We respectfully request that speakers keep in mind that the content of the presentation should be informative and not designed to promote a political candidate or issue or a specific business and its services or products. Also, there should be no type of solicitation for a financial or in-kind donation, or a request to purchase products or services.
We look forward to an informative program!